eric chassaing consulting
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Geolocation offer SAP solution Web solution banner_start


   ecc wishes to afford a global and innovating solutions to the entreprises for their management of the suppliers or production sites, the customers or the whole scope of their logistic, by supplying prestations of services on information technologies, or by distributing high technological devices to follow their fleet of maritime or terrestrian transportation.
Geolocation solution Web development SAP solution Mobility

    Our offer is based on three axis of complementary applications around your central IS.

offre 1The first offer concerns the management of your main information system, the central order for the operations of your company.
   ecc proposes his expertise on the ERP SAP. The change management, the consulting, the best practices to apply and the applicative developments are parts of our competencies. We have at your disposal experimented functional and technical consultants that will be able to consider the most complex problems you may encounter. []

offre 1The second axis of applications concerns the public interface of your firm and the promotion of mobility through access to enterprise applications for your mobile workforce, including commercial.
   For this, the company ecc proposes the creation of your websites based on the up-to-date web 2.0 technologies and compliant to the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).
   Development opportunities are numerous. For instance, it is possible to populate some of the information displayed on your web site directely from the central IS database (stock, resting time before delivery...). You can also populate your intranet to allow your mobile teams to be "connected" to your information system. []

offre 1Our third offer to complete and totally fulfill an efficient and serene management of your logistic is the supply and the equipment of terminals and softwares to track on real time your logistical fleet by geolocation. []

BlueTrakerŽ : a world premičre!

Iridium GSM

An hybride solution GSM / Iridium of geolocation to reduce your costs of communication.

   All of our combined solutions afford you a global offer to insure an optimal management of your logistic and a complete satisfaction of your custumers.

Éric Chassaing Consulting - Direction communication
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